Best prospects for the future

HESCH is now part of the com­pany port­fo­lio of AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies GmbH

HESCH gehört jetzt zum Firmenportfolio der AXXERON Technologies GmbH

HESCH Indus­trie-Elek­tronik GmbH con­tin­ues on the road to suc­cess: As of 10.10.2020, the inter­na­tion­ally active man­age­ment hold­ing com­pany AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies GmbH has added the con­trol and automa­tion spe­cial­ist to its port­fo­lio. The 100 per­cent share­hold­ing enables HESCH to tap into new mar­kets and strate­gic alliances.

Founded in 1976 by Wal­ter Schröder, the com­pany has estab­lished itself nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally as a sys­tem provider for mea­sure­ment and con­trol devices over the past 44 years. HESCH became known through the pro­duc­tion of cus­tomized elec­tronic solu­tions and today sup­plies well-known cus­tomers all over the world.
The AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies GmbH based in Unna, North Rhine-West­phalia, has focused on the acqui­si­tion and devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive medium-sized com­pa­nies and sees HESCH as an ideal addi­tion to its port­fo­lio of com­pa­nies: “The com­pany is excel­lently posi­tioned in the mar­ket and we see a large num­ber of syn­ergy effects,” says Markus Dreis­cher, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies, com­ment­ing on the invest­ment.

Since the turn of the mil­len­nium, HESCH has expe­ri­enced strong and con­tin­u­ous growth. One of the most suc­cess­ful inno­va­tions from Neustadt is the HE 5697 MFC mul­ti­func­tion con­troller, which was awarded the “Best of 2015” indus­try prize. With the MFC, even IT lay­men can quickly and eas­ily cre­ate com­plex process and sequence con­trols for indus­trial appli­ca­tions.


For HESCH founder Wal­ter Schröder, the trans­fer of the com­pany to AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies was the opti­mal solu­tion: “In addi­tion to the purely com­mer­cial aspects, it har­mo­nized par­tic­u­larly well on a human level,” says Schröder. “I am con­vinced that I have passed my life’s work into the right hands.”
