Apply now

and become part of our team!


Wel­come to HESCH

Ware­house clerk, ware­house employee
in a clean ware­house


We offer:

    • A flex­itime model for the flex­i­ble orga­ni­za­tion of per­sonal work­ing hours in sin­gle-shift oper­a­tion
    • free use of the fit­ness cen­ter incl. Courses, sauna and drinks
    • In addi­tion, we are very con­ve­niently located and quickly acces­si­ble by car as well as by train!

Your tasks as a ware­house employee:

  • Pick­ing elec­tronic com­po­nents
  • Incom­ing goods inspec­tion
  • Out­go­ing goods and pack­ag­ing of elec­tronic devices

Your pro­file:

  • You can work con­cen­trated
  • You have a good com­mand of the Ger­man lan­guage, both writ­ten and spo­ken


Are you inter­ested? Then we look for­ward to receiv­ing your appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments as a PDF by e-mail.

Issued on 28.02.2024

  • 30-40 hours
  • Sin­gle-shift oper­a­tion
  • Neustadt loca­tion

Your con­tact:
Mr. Peter Pschich­holz

Peter Pschichholz