Ana­log input mod­ule – HE 5832

The analog input module HE 5832 acquires up to two analog standard signals (current or voltage) from the process level and transmits them to the higher-level bus system.


2 analog inputs (current / voltage selectable)

Galvanic isolation of the inputs

with LED for status indication




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Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the bus cou­pler takes place via an asyn­chro­nous ser­ial RS485 con­nec­tion. Both chan­nels are gal­van­i­cally iso­lated from each other. An addi­tional poten­tial sep­a­ra­tion is not nec­es­sary.


The mod­ule has safe iso­la­tion for oper­at­ing volt­ages up to 300 V in accor­dance with EN 61010-1. In the event of ser­vice, the mod­ule can be replaced quickly and eas­ily dur­ing oper­a­tion (HotSwap). The sig­nal state of the inputs is indi­cated via sta­tus LEDs. In the event of an error, the mod­ules oper­ate with pre­vi­ously defined error val­ues to ensure safe process con­trol (fail safe).

Technical Data

HE 5832
Mod­ul­typHIMOD Ana­log-Ein­gangsmodul 2 x AI
Span­nungsver­sorgungüber inter­nen T-Bus: 24 V DC / 7,5 V DC
Stro­mauf­nahmemax. 65 mA bei 24 V / max. 60 mA bei 7,5 V
Poten­zial­tren­nung2300 Veff [(Ver­sorgung, Logik) / Kanal 1 / Kanal 2]]
  Wer­te­bere­ich  -10…+10 V / -5…+5 V / -1…+1 V
  Ein­gangsim­ped­anz  R > 1 MΩ
  Wer­te­bere­ich-20…+20 mA
  Aus­gangsim­ped­anzBürde 50 Ω
Wan­dler­au­flö­sung /
16 bit / 80 ms
Kennlin­ien­ab­we­ichung≤ 0,1 %
Tem­per­a­ture­in­fluss≤ 0,1 % / 10 K
  4 x gelbe LEDsSta­tus der Eingänge
  1 x 2-far­bige LEDModul­sta­tus
Anschlusstech­nikSchraub-/ Steck­klem­men, Leitungs­quer­schnitt 0,2…2,5 mm²
Fed­erkraft-/ Steck­klem­men, Leitungs­quer­schnitt 0,2…2,5 mm²
Gewicht150 g


Data sheet HE 5832 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5832 – Ger­man

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