HE 5709 Valve con­trol for fil­ter clean­ing

Automatic optimization of pulse and pause time

Automatic teach-in of recognized valves

Controls 1 to max. 4 solenoid valves




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HE 5709 Valve con­trol (1 – 4 valves)

The HE 5709 valve con­trol for fil­ter clean­ing is designed to opti­mize the clean­ing process of dust extrac­tion sys­tems and reduce com­pressed air con­sump­tion.
Thanks to state-of-the-art tech­nol­ogy, they ensure effi­cient and cost-sav­ing clean­ing of the fil­ter bags.
In con­trast to con­ven­tional con­trol units, which often trig­ger the clean­ing of the fil­ter bags impre­cisely, the HE 5709 valve con­trol unit enables a clearly defined oper­at­ing point to be set, which can be indi­vid­u­ally selected.
All rel­e­vant data is recorded by the con­trol unit dur­ing oper­a­tion.
The HE 5709 then auto­mat­i­cally derives the opti­mum time for the next valve pulse.

Sig­nif­i­cantly reduce com­pressed air con­sump­tion and oper­at­ing costs of a fil­ter sys­tem

In addi­tion to the indi­vid­ual pause time result­ing from the oper­at­ing point, an indi­vid­ual pulse time is deter­mined for each valve via the auto­matic pulse time opti­miza­tion.
This enables pre­cise adjust­ment of the air blasts to the spe­cific dust input.
Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure-depen­dent as well as time-con­trolled and sequen­tial fil­ter clean­ing is also pos­si­ble as stan­dard.

The HE 5709 valve con­trol unit can also be used safely in ATEX Zone 22 haz­ardous areas.

Appli­ca­tions & areas of use of the HE 5709 valve con­trol unit for fil­ter clean­ing

  • Bunker top fil­ter
  • Mobile fil­ters
  • Indus­trial extrac­tor
  • Dedust­ing sys­tems
  • Stone dust fil­ter
  • Dairies
  • Cement and lime works
  • Steel mills
  • Waste incin­er­a­tion plants
  • Coal-fired power plants

The advan­tages of the HE 5709 valve con­trol unit:

  • Self-opti­miza­tion of pulse times and pause times: The con­trols auto­mat­i­cally opti­mize the clean­ing cycles, result­ing in an effec­tive use of com­pressed air and thus sav­ing costs.
  • Con­tin­u­ous adap­ta­tion to the oper­at­ing con­di­tions: This ensures opti­mum clean­ing results.
  • Reduced com­pressed air con­sump­tion: The effi­cient con­trol of pulse and pause times min­i­mizes com­pressed air con­sump­tion, which not only reduces oper­at­ing costs but also pro­tects the envi­ron­ment.
  • Lower oper­at­ing costs: The reduc­tion in com­pressed air con­sump­tion and main­te­nance costs leads to sig­nif­i­cant cost sav­ings.
  • Longer ser­vice life of the fil­ter ele­ments: Less stress on the fil­ters due to opti­mized clean­ing leads to an extended ser­vice life of the fil­ter media.

HE 5709 Valve control for filter systems controls max. 4 valves By auto­mat­i­cally opti­miz­ing the pulse and pause time , the HE 5709 valve con­trol unit is an inno­v­a­tive solu­tion for fil­ter clean­ing using the jet-pulse method.

Indi­vid­u­ally adjustable via PC soft­ware

EasyTool Controls 4.0

The indi­vid­ual mea­sur­ing range is set/scaled using the Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0 soft­ware. This can also be used to save fac­tory para­me­ters so that they can be con­ve­niently loaded onto any num­ber of devices.

Do you have any ques­tions about the HE 5709?

Our con­tact per­sons will be happy to advise you with­out oblig­a­tion.

Function overview

  • Mas­ter con­trol with 1 – 4 valves
  • Ver­sions: Basic with mem­brane key­pad
  • Cyclic clean­ing and re-clean­ing
  • Time-con­trolled or dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure-con­trolled clean­ing of the fab­ric fil­ter
  • Break time reg­u­la­tion
  • Valve mon­i­tor­ing for over­cur­rent (short cir­cuit) and inter­rup­tion (cable break)
  • Pre­coat­ing mode
  • Menu-less and lan­guage-inde­pen­dent user inter­face
  • Para­me­ter­i­za­tion with ser­vice PC and Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0 soft­ware (avail­able as an acces­sory)
  • Use in EX zone 22
  • Dis­play of the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure
  • Dis­play of the acti­vated valve
  • Dis­play of the switch­ing thresh­olds
  • LED indi­ca­tors for oper­a­tion, switch­ing thresh­olds, alarm mes­sages and para­me­ter­i­za­tion

Technical data

HE 5709 Basic
Ver­wen­dungszweckMag­netven­til­s­teuerung für Fil­terabreini­gung
Aus­führun­gen• HE 5709 Basic im Kom­pak­t­ge­häuse mit 1 bis max. 4 Ven­ti­laus­gän­gen
Ver­sorgungss­pan­nung• 100 … 240 V AC / 50…60 Hz
• 24 V DC ±10 % (Option)

Ver­sorgung durch Sicher­heit­skleinspan­nung (SELV) oder Schutzk­leinspan­nung (PELV)
Leis­tungsauf­nahmeMax. 0,2 A bei 100 … 240 V AC Geräten
Max. 1,2 A bei 24 V DC Geräten
Max. 30 W bei 24 V DC Steuerun­gen
Pul­szeit0,04 … 0,40 Sekun­den ein­stell­bar
Pausen­zeit2 …120 Sekun­den ein­stell­bar
Anzeige7-Seg­men­tanzeige, 4-stel­lig, 13,2 mm Höhe, weiß
für Dif­feren­z­druck- / Ven­ti­lanzeige, Para­me­ter- und
LEDs12 LEDs für Zus­tand­sanzeigen, 16 LEDs für
Tas­tenWerte­in­stel­lung: PARA (ESC), AUF, AB, ENTER, TEST-Taste
Analo­gein­gang4 … 20 mA + Aufnehmerver­sorgung für
Dif­feren­z­druck­sen­sor, 24 VDC max. 80 mA
Dig­i­tale­ingängeStart, Nachreini­gung, Freigabe
Relaisaus­gang1 Wech­slerkon­takt 250 VAC, 5 A als kom­binierte Betriebs-und Störmel­dung
SchnittstellenUSB Device, Typ B für Schreiben und Lesen der Para­me­ter
USB / TTL-Adapter erforder­lich (gal­vanisch getrennt)
Luft- und
Ver­schmutzungs­grad 2, Überspan­nungskat­e­gorie II
EMVStöraussendung: DIN EN 61000-6-4
Stör­fes­tigkeit: DIN EN 61000-6-2
Gerätekennze­ich­nungII3D Ex Tc IIIC T135°C Dc IP65EX Logo
Gehäuse Abmes­sun­gen151 × 125 × 60 mm
Ein­baulagesenkrecht, Wand­mon­tage
Anschluss­set beim Kom­pak­t­ge­häuse2 × M32 × 1,5 mit Mehrfachdichtein­satz für 6 Leitun­gen
2 × M16 × 1,5 für Ver­sorgung und Kom­mu­nika­tion
Elek­trische AnschlüsseVer­sorgung: Quer­schnitt starr/flex: max. 2,5 mm²,
Flex­i­bel: max. 2,5 mm² ohne Aderend­hülse
Rest: Quer­schnitt starr: max. 1,5 mm², Flex­i­bel: max. 0,75 mm² mit Aderend­hülse
Mon­tageKom­pak­t­ge­häuse: Wand­mon­tage, Ein­baulage senkrecht
Umge­bungs­be­din­gun­gen Kli­ma­tisch
  Lagerung- 20 °C…+ 70 °C
  Trans­port- 25 °C…+ 85 °C
  Betrieb  • -20 °C…+50 °C
  • in EX-Zone 22: -20 °C…+40 °C
  Rel­a­tive FeuchteRel­a­tive Luft­feuchte ≤ 95% im Jahresmit­tel, Klimabe­din­gun­gen gemäß 3K6 nach DIN EN 60721-3 mit Ein­schränkung, im Freien nur mit Schutz­dach mon­tieren
Errors and omis­sions excepted

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