Mod­bus RTU Field­bus Cou­pler – HE 5813

Connects the modular process I/O HIMOD System to a Modbus RTU network


Button on the front of the housing to determine the system configuration

5 status LEDs

with SmartPort interface

Supply voltage, fieldbus and logic galvanically isolated





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The con­nec­tion to the Mod­bus RTU is estab­lished via a 9-pin D-SUB socket. Up to 62 I/O mod­ules can be con­nected per bus cou­pler. The mod­ules are con­nected via an inter­nal bus sys­tem. Up to 16 mod­ules can be oper­ated directly on the bus cou­pler, and the sys­tem can also be expanded with an addi­tional power mod­ule. In the bus cou­pler, the areas of sup­ply volt­age, field­bus and logic are gal­van­i­cally iso­lated from each other. The sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion con­sist­ing of bus cou­pler and I/O mod­ules can be quickly deter­mined via the but­ton inte­grated in the front of the hous­ing. Con­fig­u­ra­tion and para­me­ter­i­za­tion of the indi­vid­ual mod­ules can be done via the field­bus as well as via the Smart­Port inter­face.

Technical data

HE 5813
Mod­ul­typHIMOD Feld­buskop­pler Mod­bus RTU
Span­nungsver­sorgung24 V DC (-20 %/+25 %), ver­pol­ungs- und überspan­nungssicher
Strom- / Leis­tungsauf­nahmemax. 170 mA / 4 W Eigenbe­darf
Span­nungsver­sorgung für
24 V DC (max. 4 A) und 7,5 V DC (max. 2 A), kurz­schlussfest
Anzahl kop­pel­barer I/O-Mod­ule1...16 oder 1…62 mit zusät­zlichen Power-Mod­ulen
Poten­zial­tren­nung500 Veff [intern (Ver­sorgung / Feld­bus / Logik) / extern]
Anschlüsse / Schnittstellen
  Mod­bus1 x D-SUB Buchse, 9-polig
  Ser­vice / Smart­Port1 x RJ10, Front
  HPR-Bus1 x T-Bus-Verbinder
  Ein­speisung 24 V DC1 x Schraubklem­men­block
Mod­bus RTU
  Bus-Anschluss nach IEC 61158 (RS-485), RTU Pro­tokoll
  Bau­drate 2,4…115,2 kbaud, ein­stell­bar über BCD-Schal­ter
  Adress­bere­ich 1…99, ein­stell­bar über BCD-Schal­ter
  Adress­bere­ich 1…247, ein­stell­bar über Soft­ware, wenn BCD-Schal­ter = 0
  Bau­drate / Adressen3 x BCD-Drehkodier­schal­ter
  Knoten-Kon­fig­u­ra­tion1 x Taster „Con­fig“, front­seitig
  5 Sta­tus-LEDs1 x Gerätezu­s­tand, 4 x Bus-Zus­tand
Anschlusstech­nikSchraub-/ Steck­klem­men, Leitungs­quer­schnitt 0,2…2,5 mm²
Gewicht150 g

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data sheet HE 5813 – Ger­man

Data sheet HE 5813 – Eng­lish

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