RTD Mod­ule – HE 5840

The RTD input module acquires up to four analogue signals from resistance thermometers and transmits them to the higher-level bus system.


4 x temperature inputs for resistance thermometers

Galvanic isolation of the inputs

Converter resolution 16 bit




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Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the bus cou­pler takes place via an asyn­chro­nous ser­ial RS-485 con­nec­tion.

The sig­nal state of the inputs is indi­cated via sta­tus LEDs. The con­nec­tion of the sen­sors, in 3-wire tech­nol­ogy, com­pen­sates for the influ­ence of the cable length. Each input is pro­vided with an adjustable 1st order fil­ter to set­tle the mea­sured value. The mea­sur­ing inputs are gal­van­i­cally iso­lated from the logic. They are gal­van­i­cally con­nected to each other.


Influ­ences of the instal­la­tion loca­tion can be com­pen­sated with an off­set value. To ensure reli­able process con­trol in the event of an error, the mod­ules con­tinue to oper­ate with error val­ues. These val­ues can be freely defined, which not only allows the process flow to con­tinue in a con­trolled man­ner; dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions can also be avoided in this way.





Data sheet HE 5840 – Ger­man

Data sheet HE 5840 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5840 – Ger­man

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