all around fil­tra­tion: Fil­ter Tech­nol­ogy Sym­po­sium in Frank­furt on 12.10.2023

“all around fil­tra­tion” on Octo­ber 12 in Frank­furt with many excit­ing top­ics.

What will the energy tran­si­tion mean for man­u­fac­tur­ers and oper­a­tors of large-scale fil­ter sys­tems? How can the effi­ciency of the sys­tems be increased? What fund­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able? Answers to these ques­tions will be pro­vided by renowned experts at the “all around fil­tra­tion” fil­ter tech­nol­ogy indus­try get-together orga­nized by AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics and Buschjost GmbH. The event will take place on Octo­ber 12 in “The Squaire” – Europe’s longest high-rise build­ing in Frank­furt am Main.

all around filtration: Filtertechnik Symposium in Frankfurt am Main am 12.10.2023
all around fil­tra­tion: Fil­tertech­nik Sym­po­sium in Frank­furt am Main am 12.10.2023

An excit­ing pro­gram item awaits the par­tic­i­pants already on the evening before: Dur­ing a guided tour, they will take an exclu­sive look behind the scenes of Germany’s largest air­port. Guests will also have plenty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for relaxed net­work­ing.


In its third edi­tion, the con­fer­ence itself will once again bring together top-class pre­sen­ta­tions on cur­rent top­ics in the fil­ter and dedust­ing tech­nol­ogy indus­try. Keynote speaker Staffan Reve­man, for exam­ple, will impres­sively describe what the energy turn­around means for the indus­try. Reve­man is a con­sul­tant for energy-inten­sive indus­tries and counts well-known inter­na­tional com­pa­nies among his clients. Dr. Michael Mayer and Dr. Hol­ger Schmitt from the Lan­desEn­ergieAgen­tur Hes­sen GmbH will report on the state sub­si­dies avail­able for effi­ciency improve­ments in small and medium-sized enter­prises.


The con­tri­bu­tion by Hans-Joachim Beck­mann (Buschjost GmbH) will deal with new meth­ods for increas­ing the per­for­mance of fil­ter tech­nol­ogy sys­tems. The expert for fil­ter valves and tank sys­tems shows how you can save energy and extend the life­time cycle of your sys­tem with sim­ple mea­sures. The pre­sen­ta­tion by Werner Bran­dis, CEO of AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics GmbH, aims in a sim­i­lar direc­tion. Here, par­tic­i­pants will learn how they can opti­mize oper­at­ing costs in their com­pa­nies by retro­fitting exist­ing large-scale fil­ter sys­tems and how the new gen­er­a­tion of intel­li­gent con­trols enables self-opti­miza­tion of oper­at­ing para­me­ters. The VDMA’s con­tri­bu­tion is also top­i­cal: it will deal with the effects of the planned EU-wide ban on per­flu­o­ri­nated and poly­flu­o­ri­nated chem­i­cals (PFAS) for plant man­u­fac­tur­ers and oper­a­tors.

Die Tagung „All around filtration“ von HESCH bot den Teilnehmern viele wertvolle Insider-Informationen zu den Trendthemen der Branche.
Die Tagung „All around fil­tra­tion“ von HESCH bot den Teil­nehmern viele wertvolle Insider-Infor­ma­tio­nen zu den Trendthe­men der Branche.

The tar­get group of the “all around fil­tra­tion” indus­try meet­ing – also known as aafi – includes man­u­fac­tur­ers and oper­a­tors of large-scale fil­tra­tion plants, e.g. in waste incin­er­a­tion plants, foundries, in the chem­i­cal and food indus­tries, steel mills or in the cement indus­try.

More info on the event is avail­able at
