More resource effi­ciency with AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics

Resource effi­ciency and sus­tain­abil­ity are now major issues in many com­pa­nies.

Processes are put to the test and exam­ined for their poten­tial for opti­miza­tion.

One of the most impor­tant fac­tors is energy man­age­ment, where enor­mous sav­ings can be achieved. In this con­text, the selec­tion of the appro­pri­ate con­trol tech­nol­ogy is of great impor­tance. We are happy to sup­port you – with more than four decades of expe­ri­ence in the devel­op­ment of stan­dard and cus­tomer-spe­cific solu­tions.

Take advan­tage of the exten­sive know-how that our spe­cial­ists have acquired in numer­ous suc­cess­ful projects. Cus­tomers from indus­try and a wide range of sec­tors have been able to achieve sig­nif­i­cant increases in effi­ciency with our prod­ucts. In this way, they have not only reduced their oper­at­ing costs, but also reduced their envi­ron­men­tal foot­print at the same time.

Sustainable resource efficiency with products from HESCH

Our OFFER for Indus­try & Busi­ness

Increase the effi­ciency of the resources you use

Oper­a­tional energy man­age­ment and cost sav­ings

Sus­tain­able indus­trial pro­duc­tion and resource use

HESCH solu­tions are suc­cess­fully in use in numer­ous indus­tries

Pro­fes­sional con­trols - scal­able or indi­vid­u­ally devel­oped

Suc­cess sto­ries on resource effi­ciency with HESCH

Project and cus­tomer reports

Intel­li­gent energy man­age­ment in the home

A man­u­fac­turer of inno­v­a­tive heat­ing solu­tions was look­ing for a con­troller with which all the heat gen­er­a­tors in a house­hold could be indi­vid­u­ally con­trolled. The goal: Cost-effec­tive, envi­ron­men­tally friendly energy, e.g. from pho­to­voltaic sys­tems, should always have pri­or­ity. Based on the require­ments, HESCH devel­oped a sys­tem con­troller that con­trols all func­tions via a cen­tral con­trol sys­tem and net­works all heat­ing com­po­nents with each other. In this way, the energy costs of a house­hold are reduced through effi­cient use of resources.

Upgrad­ing or retro­fitting is also no prob­lem thanks to the mod­u­lar design of the sys­tem con­troller: the micro­proces­sor struc­ture makes it easy to adapt the entire sys­tem.

OEM partner HESCH thermal management system from Orange Energy
Resource efficiency in dust removal technology HESCH

Effi­ciency increase in dust removal tech­nol­ogy

Fil­ters in dust extrac­tion sys­tems must be cleaned reg­u­larly in order to remove dust from the ambi­ent air in the best pos­si­ble way. The valves should be pulsed at opti­mum inter­vals. The back­ground: If the fil­ter is cleaned too early, a suf­fi­ciently large fil­ter cake can­not form. This is impor­tant, how­ever, as it traps even the finest dust par­ti­cles that would oth­er­wise pass through the fil­ter unhin­dered. If, on the other hand, the fil­ter is cleaned too late, theflow resis­tance increases sharply and with it theenergy con­sump­tion of the dust removal sys­tem.

With its time-con­trolled and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure-depen­dent valve con­trols, HESCH ensures that the fil­ters are cleaned at the ideal time. When using a 500 kW fan, oper­a­tors of dust extrac­tion sys­tems can reduce elec­tric­ity con­sump­tion (at a kilo­watt price of 5 cents) by around 10 per­cent, for exam­ple, and thus save around 22,000 euros in energy costs per year.

Ideal use of resources: With the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller

Many com­pa­nies want to reducetheir energy con­sump­tionbut do not know how to go about it. The key lies in opti­miz­ing the processes. In the past, an expen­sive PLC had to be used for this, which was also often over­sized.

We at HESCH wanted to change that and there­fore devel­oped the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller (HE 5697 MFC): A con­troller with which you can even cre­ate com­plex sequence con­trols your­self – with­out any IT knowl­edge at all. You don’t need expen­sive exter­nal pro­gram­mers or PLCs. Instead, you sim­ply assem­ble the desired pro­gram sequence from ready-made func­tion blocks by drag-and-drop on the PC. In this way, you can develop the opti­mum process con­trol in no time at all and thus sig­nif­i­cantlyreduce energy require­ments.

Multifunction controller optimizes processes in food production

More process effi­ciency in the dairy indus­try

The pro­duc­tion of food addi­tives from milk requires a lot of energy. An indus­try player was look­ing for a way to reducethe oper­at­ing costs of its casein dry­ing plant and increase rev­enue. Until now, the dry­ing rollers of the plant needed8 to 12 hours to reach the work­ing tem­per­a­ture of 180 degrees. Due to the man­ual con­trol, there were also repeated prod­uct losses because liq­uid casein was not evenly dis­trib­uted on the rollers and there­fore burned.

HESCH pro­vided the solu­tion with its multi-func­tion con­troller: By using the MFC, it was not only pos­si­ble to reduce the heat­ing time for the rollers to 3.5 hours and save a lot of energy in addi­tion, the con­troller also reg­u­lates the sur­face tem­per­a­ture of the rollers and con­trols the fill­ing level of the casein liq­uid. This now no longer burns, so that the yield could be sig­nif­i­cantly increased.

Read the case study here (ger­man lan­guage)

Opti­mum heat recov­ery in the laun­dry

The oper­a­tor of a large laun­dry also savesa lot of energy with the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller from HESCH. Here, the MFC takes over the entire
Con­trol of the heat recov­ery sys­tem
and ensures that the two heat exchang­ers oper­ate effi­ciently. The con­troller also ensures that there is always enough hot water for pro­duc­tion and man­ages the sup­ply of heat­ing energy to other com­pany build­ings and the adja­cent res­i­den­tial build­ing. The MFC has reduced energy con­sump­tion by around 20 percent and increased resource­ef­fi­ciency.

To the user report of the Bauer laun­dry
Multifunctional controller from HESCH in use at a laundry
Resource-efficient solution for heating churches from HESCH

Per­fectly tem­pered pew rests

An entre­pre­neur from Saar­land has devel­oped a clever, resource-effi­cient solu­tionfor heat­ing churches: Bench pads that can be heated elec­tri­cally. For the con­trol of the heat­ing cir­cuit he was look­ing for a sim­ple andeffec­tive solu­tion, which he did not find on the mar­ket. We have devel­oped a con­troller espe­cially for this cus­tomer which con­trols the pre­heat­ing time depend­ing on the ambi­ent tem­per­a­ture and thus saves energy. The con­troller is also very user-friendly and can there­fore be eas­ily oper­ated by the pas­tor or sex­ton.

Read more about the suc­cess story here

pub­lished in the“messtec dri­ves automa­tion” issue 8/2019 (ger­man lan­guage)
