The mul­ti­func­tional con­troller from HESCH

One con­troller – many pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions!

Multifunction controller and laptop with EasyTool MFC software

PLC alter­na­tive for inde­pen­dent process con­trol

The mul­ti­func­tion con­troller is a real all-rounder among con­trollers and our com­pact solu­tion for inde­pen­dent process con­trol. The advan­tages are obvi­ous:

Sim­ply cre­ate sequence con­trols your­self

Opti­mize and mon­i­tor

Con­fig­ure via drag & drop

Over 100 ready and tested func­tions

Cost-effec­tive solu­tion with­out PLC

How it works

Process engi­neers think in terms of func­tion blocks and need sophis­ti­cated tech­nol­ogy with which they can cre­ate, opti­mise and mon­i­tor even com­plex process con­trols them­selves – with­out the need for expen­sive PLCs! This is exactly where the HE 5697 MFC mul­ti­func­tion con­troller from HESCH comes in.

Soft­ware “Easy­Tool MFC

The mul­ti­func­tion con­troller is con­fig­ured with the asso­ci­ated “Easy­Tool MFC” soft­ware. The freely avail­able soft­ware for test­ing can be found under Down­loads and on the Easy­Tool MFC prod­uct page. Get to know the func­tions of the “Easy­Tool MFC” in detail now.

Addi­tions to the I/O level

The exten­sive selec­tion of HIMOD® mod­ules offers an ideal com­ple­ment to the I/O level of the HE 5697 MFC, includ­ing a num­ber of spe­cial mod­ules for spe­cial sen­sors and func­tions. The expan­sion of the I/O level can be real­ized with HIMOD® both locally and decen­trally.

Whether freez­ers or melt­ing fur­naces – the mul­ti­func­tional con­troller sup­ports you through­out the entire ther­mal process chain.

The func­tional unit can also be used as a process com­puter, pump con­troller and in many other process sequences.

You can read about the wide range of pos­si­ble appli­ca­tions for the HE 5697 MFC in the
user reports.

  • Process com­puter
  • Sys­tem con­trol
  • Pump con­trols
  • Dos­ing con­trol
  • Boiler con­trols
  • Roller dry­ing
  • Foundries
  • Freez­ers
  • Pulse burner
  • Melt­ing con­trols
  • Cli­mate con­trols
  • Con­tin­u­ous fur­naces
  • Hard­en­ing shops
  • Tube fur­naces
  • Rotary drum fur­naces
  • Cham­ber fur­naces
  • Pass-through ovens
  • Chest Fur­naces
  • Roller fur­naces
  • Shaft fur­naces … and many more

Sim­ply drag & drop


The HE 5796 MFC is a per­fect tool for new plants as well as for the mod­ern­iza­tion of exist­ing plants, because it works with func­tion blocks. Even with increas­ing com­plex­ity of the processes, you keep the overview with it. You have com­plete con­trol – at all times and with­out hav­ing tomas­ter dif­fi­cult pro­gram­ming lan­guages.


The Easy­Tool MFC soft­ware has over 100 tested and ready-made func­tion blocks. This allows you to eas­ily com­pile your process flows your­self on the PC using drag & drop. Try it out!

User reports on the topic of mul­ti­func­tional con­trollers

MFC opti­mizes the casein dry­ing plant

A man­u­fac­turer of food addi­tives was look­ing for an easy-to-oper­ate con­trol sys­tem for the automa­tion of its casein dry­ing plant. The device should be able to con­trol com­plex processes and also com­mu­ni­cate with a PLC. The HE 5697 MFC from HESCH met all require­ments and was pur­chased.

User report …pub­lished on 26.04.2019 on the por­tal “Prozesstech­nik online”

In use at a dec­o­ra­tive plas­ter man­u­fac­turer

… In the begin­ning, small bucket mix­ers oper­ated by hand are suf­fi­cient for the pro­duc­tion of plas­ters and paints. Due to the increas­ing demand, the pro­duc­tion vol­ume is grow­ing strongly (…). If the new mix­ers are to run effi­ciently, this can only be achieved by automa­tion. The MFC from HESCH is the right solu­tion.

User report …pub­lished on 10.01.2019 on the por­tal “Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing Automa­tion”

Bet­ter laun­dry processes

Wash­ing, dry­ing, iron­ing – the Bauer laun­dry in Großwech­sun­gen, a mod­ern fam­ily busi­ness, has been using heat recov­ery for a year. The sys­tem is con­trolled by the intel­li­gent con­troller from HESCH. The MFC enables laun­dry experts to cre­ate com­plex automa­tion sequences them­selves, even with­out pro­gram­ming knowl­edge.

Read case study

The advan­tages of a mul­ti­func­tion con­troller from HESCH

Con­trol com­plex processes in the process indus­try as a real PLC alter­na­tive!

Intu­itive, sim­ple and quick to achieve with­out any pro­gram­ming knowl­edge!

Save costs & pre­serve inter­nal know-how!

The mul­ti­func­tion con­troller starter set

The mul­ti­func­tion con­troller starter set from HESCH is the fast and cost-effec­tive solu­tion for the process engi­neer. Try it out and get a quote for our HE 5697 MFC starter set today.

FAQs on the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller & Easy­Tool MFC

faq-mfc Answers to fre­quently asked ques­tions about con­fig­u­ra­tion and cus­tomiza­tion options can be found under Ser­vice on our > > > FAQ page.

Multifunction controller HE 5697 MFC the brochure from AXXERON HESCH electronics All infor­ma­tion on the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller & Easy­Tool MFC can also be found in our >>> prod­uct brochure

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