Down­load Cen­ter

The links below will pro­vide you with all the impor­tant doc­u­ments relat­ing to our prod­ucts.

The cor­re­spond­ing oper­at­ing instruc­tions and data sheets are also avail­able on the respec­tive prod­uct pages.

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions and data sheets are also avail­able in lan­guages other than those listed on request.
Our con­tact part­ners will be happy to help you.

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment | HE 54xx

HE 5409

HE 5411

HE 5413

HE 5422 + HE 5422 Heavy Duty

HE 5422 MR

Stan­dard rail adapter for HE 5409 / HE 5411 / HE 5413

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions Mul­ti­func­tional con­troller | HE 5697 MFC

HE 5697 MFC (Device descrip­tion)

Easy­Tool MFC (soft­ware oper­a­tion)

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions Valve and fil­ter con­trols | HE 57xx

HE 5700

HE 5709 / HE 5713 Basic

HE 5710 hous­ing + stan­dard rail

HE 5711 Hous­ing + stan­dard rail

HE 5712 Com­pact + Mod­u­lar

HE 5720

HE 5721 with front panel


HE 5721 with­out front panel

HE 5722

HE 5731 Com­pact + Mod­u­lar

HE 5733 Vibra­tion fil­ter con­trol

HE 5750 Clean­ing con­trol unit

HE 5760 Valve con­trol

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions HIMOD Process I/O Sys­tem | HE 58xx

HE 5812 Profibus-DP field­bus cou­pler(GSD file)

HE 5820 Dig­i­tal input mod­ule

HE 5825 Dig­i­tal out­put mod­ule

HE 5826 Relay out­put mod­ule

HE 5830 Ana­log input mod­ule

HE 5831 Ana­log input mod­ule

HE 5832 Ana­log input mod­ule

HE 5835 Ana­log out­put mod­ule

HE 5836 Ana­log input/output mod­ule

HE 5840 RTD mod­ule

HE 5841 TC Input mod­ule

HE 5861


Brochures – AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics GmbH

Prod­uct port­fo­lio

Valve con­trols and
Fil­ter con­trols


dp mea­sure­ment tech­nol­ogy

Fil­ter con­trol unit HE 5709 / HE 5713

Clean­ing con­trols for large fil­ter sys­tems
HE 5750 / HE 5760


HE 5697 MFC

Brochures – AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies GmbH

Automation division | Axxeron Automation

AXXERON – Image brochure

Data sheets

Data sheets valve and fil­ter con­trols | HE 57xx

HE 5700 Pilot valve box

HE 5710 hous­ing + stan­dard rail

HE 5709 / HE 5713 (Basic)

HE 5712 Com­pact + Mod­u­lar

HE 5731 Com­pact + Mod­u­lar

HE 5733 Vibra­tion fil­ter con­trol

HE 5750

HE 5760

Data sheets dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment | HE 54xx

HE 5409

HE 5411

HE 5413

HE 5422

HE 5422 HD

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure con­nec­tion adapter

Data sheets HIMOD Process I/O Sys­tem | HE 58xx

HE 5811 CANopen field­bus cou­pler

HE 5812 Profibus-DP field­bus cou­pler

HE 5813 Mod­bus RTU field­bus cou­pler

HE 5814 Eth­er­net field­bus cou­pler

HE 5820 Dig­i­tal input mod­ule

HE 5822 Dig­i­tal input mod­ule

HE 5825 Dig­i­tal out­put mod­ule

HE 5826 Relay out­put mod­ule

HE 5830 Ana­log input mod­ule

HE 5831 Ana­log input mod­ule

HE 5832 Ana­log input mod­ule

HE 5835 Ana­log out­put mod­ule

HE 5836 Ana­log input/output mod­ule

HE 5840 RTD mod­ule

HE 5841 TC Input mod­ule

HE 5850 power mod­ule

HE 5861 DMS mod­ule

EPLAN con­nec­tion dia­grams + macros

Dec­la­ra­tions of Con­for­mity

Dec­la­ra­tions of con­for­mity Valve and fil­ter con­trols | HE 57xx

HE 5709 Hous­ing
HE 5709 Declaration of conformity |

HE 5710 Hous­ing
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5710 Stan­dard rail
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5711 Hous­ing
German Declaration of Conformity |

HE 5712 Hous­ing
German Declaration of Conformity |

HE 5713 Hous­ing
HE 5713 Declaration of conformity |

HE 5721 Hous­ing
German Declaration of Conformity |

HE 5731 Hous­ing
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5731 Stan­dard rail
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5733 Hous­ing
German Declaration of Conformity |

HE 5733 Hous­ing (UK)

Dec­la­ra­tions of con­for­mity Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment tech­nol­ogy | HE 54xx

HE 5409
German Declaration of Conformity |

HE 5411
German Declaration of Conformity |

HE 5422 MR
German Declaration of Conformity |

Dec­la­ra­tions of Con­for­mity HIMOD Process I/O Sys­tem | HE 58xx

HE 5850 Feed-in mod­ule
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5826 Relay mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5820 / HE 5822 DI mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5840 RTD mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5844 / HE 5845 PT Mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5841 TC mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5836 AI/AO mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5830 / HE 5831 / HE 5832 AI mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5835 AO mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5825 DO mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5811 / HE 5812 / HE 5813 / HE 5814 Field­bus cou­pler
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5843 Redox Mod­ule
German Declaration of Conformity

HE 5842 PH mod­ules
German Declaration of Conformity


Easy­Tool MFC

Easy­Tool MFC – Installer Ver­sion 2.0.0.(ZIP)

PC soft­ware for con­fig­ur­ing, para­me­ter­iz­ing and cre­at­ing appli­ca­tions for the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller (HE 5697 MFC)


The fol­low­ing third-party soft­ware pack­ages are used in this soft­ware:

QT 4.8.6 LGPL license (

QWT 6.1.0 LGPL license (

Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0

Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0 – Installer (ZIP)
PC soft­ware for para­me­ter­iz­ing HESCH valve and fil­ter con­trollers and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure con­trollers of the new gen­er­a­tion.

Com­pat­i­ble with:


The fol­low­ing third-party soft­ware is used in this soft­ware:

– QT 5.9.9 LGPL license(


Smart­Con­trol -V1.7 SR1

PC soft­ware for con­fig­ur­ing and para­me­ter­iz­ing HIMOD® mod­ules.



EN ISO 9001:2015

