Exten­sion of the SMD pro­duc­tion line

State-of-the-art pick-and-place machines from FUJI increase pro­duc­tion capac­i­ties

HESCH Indus­trie-Elek­tronik GmbH is expand­ing its elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion. After the takeover by AXXERON Tech­nolo­gies GmbH, the SMD pro­duc­tion line was expanded by two state-of-the-art AIMEX IIIc auto­matic place­ment machines from FUJI. This increases through­put to up to 80,000 com­po­nents per hour.

HESCH has been rely­ing on FUJI’s high-per­for­mance place­ment machines for more than 13 years. Not only do they offer very high man­u­fac­tur­ing qual­ity, but they can also be changed over very quickly. This flex­i­bil­ity is extremely impor­tant because HESCH, as an elec­tron­ics devel­oper and man­u­fac­turer, also offers small series pro­duc­tion. Every year, HESCH devel­ops about 30 new mea­sure­ment and con­trol com­po­nents for its cus­tomers. “With the new mod­els, we are increas­ing the degree of automa­tion, improv­ing process qual­ity and reduc­ing through­put times,” says HESCH Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Werner Bran­dis, explain­ing the use of the FUJI machines.

Neu Bestückungsautomaten von FUJI

With the new mod­els, we are increas­ing the degree of automa­tion, improv­ing process qual­ity and reduc­ing through­put times.

Werner Bran­dis | Man­ag­ing Direc­tor

With the two new AIM IIIc sys­tems, the com­pany is bring­ing the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of the FUJI assem­bly sys­tem into pro­duc­tion. While the pre­vi­ously used AIM machine achieved a max­i­mum through­put of 30,000 com­po­nents per hour, pro­duc­tion vol­umes of up to 80,000 com­po­nents are now even pos­si­ble in 2-head mode. The pick-and-place machines have been spe­cially devel­oped for high-mix pro­duc­tion. They process both very small and very large parts and mount 2 PCBs simul­ta­ne­ously. With 260 feeder slots avail­able, all com­po­nents rel­e­vant to the pro­duc­tion process can be loaded, so changeover times are min­i­mal. “HESCH pro­duces over 300 dif­fer­ent cir­cuit boards, so it is an advan­tage if the changeover takes lit­tle time. Highly com­plex PCBs, which in the past required two assem­bly passes, are now assem­bled in one pass“, reports Alexan­der Wicht, the team leader of the flat mod­ule pro­duc­tion.


HESCH is also one of the first com­pa­nies in the indus­try to use Fuji’s new Glue Tool. This gives com­po­nents that are dif­fi­cult to process an addi­tional fix­a­tion, which ensures that the com­po­nent does not slip dur­ing the sol­der­ing process. The auto­matic machines can be loaded quickly and assem­ble PCBs up to a size of 508 x 400 mm with a place­ment accu­racy of ±0.025 mm. Exten­sive checks (LCR/coplanarity) pre­vent errors in the place­ment of com­po­nents on the PCB.


With the new place­ment machines, HESCH is cre­at­ing the pre­req­ui­sites for opti­mally meet­ing its cus­tomers’ require­ments in the future as well

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