Opti­mal dedust­ing with pneu­matic valves

New pilot valve box ensures easy instal­la­tion of HESCH fil­ter con­trols

The new HE 5700 pilot valve box makes it pos­si­ble: From now on, HESCH fil­ter con­trols can also be inte­grated as stan­dard in dust extrac­tion sys­tems with pneu­matic valves.

Valve con­trols from HESCH ensure the opti­mum trig­ger­ing of com­pressed air pulses on indus­trial dust extrac­tion sys­tems, thus enabling highly effi­cient fil­ter clean­ing. Until now, how­ever, the con­trols could only be installed on sys­tems with pneu­matic valves by using spe­cial solu­tions. The rea­son was that there was no stan­dard­ized hous­ing solu­tion for the required pilot valves.


Now the HESCH engi­neers have devel­oped a com­pact pilot valve box which is suit­able for all dust extrac­tion sys­tems with pneu­matic valves. This means that the pilot valves and the asso­ci­ated con­trol sys­tem can be installed very eas­ily – there is no need for costly spe­cial solu­tions. The pilot valve box fits per­fectly into the new gen­er­a­tion of mod­u­lar valve con­trols from HESCH. It requires sig­nif­i­cantly less instal­la­tion space and can be mounted directly near the clean­ing valves. This saves users hav­ing to lay long com­pressed air hoses. HESCH is also the only man­u­fac­turer on the mar­ket to equip its pilot valve boxes with an LED dis­play in the lid. In this way, it is pos­si­ble to see at a glance whether the valve con­trol is func­tion­ing prop­erly.


The pilot valve boxes are avail­able with 4 or 10 pilot valves, in plas­tic hous­ing or as heavy duty ver­sion in alu­minium hous­ing.
