GHM One - multifunctional controller with sequence control

GHM One mul­ti­func­tion con­troller

We are your new sales and ser­vice part­ner

GHM Messtech­nik GmbH has dis­con­tin­ued sales and ser­vice for the GHM ONE Con­troller. To ensure secu­rity of sup­ply for you, we would like to take this oppor­tu­nity to briefly intro­duce our­selves as a new sup­plier and ser­vice part­ner.


We will con­tinue to sup­ply you with the same con­trollers – these will sim­ply be called HE 5697 mul­ti­func­tion con­troller (MFC) and change their appear­ance from blue-grey to yel­low-grey.


You can also rely on us for ser­vice. We look for­ward to your inquiry.

Mul­ti­func­tion con­troller GHM-ONE MSR9696H

The GHM-ONE is a ver­sa­tile con­troller that can be indi­vid­u­ally tai­lored to the require­ments of processes and oper­a­tion using PC soft­ware. It is ide­ally suited as a cen­tral sys­tem for the con­trol, reg­u­la­tion and oper­a­tion of sys­tems and machines.


This sys­tem enables users – with­out pro­gram­ming knowl­edge – to effi­ciently imple­ment automa­tion and visu­al­iza­tion con­trol sys­tems and serves as an opti­mal basis for a wide range of appli­ca­tions.

The GHM-ONE con­sists of a high-per­for­mance proces­sor that serves as a basic device with a relay card and a power sup­ply card. This basic device is sup­ple­mented by a com­mu­ni­ca­tion card and up to two I/O cards for spe­cific appli­ca­tions.

The com­mu­ni­ca­tion cards expand the num­ber of phys­i­cal inputs and out­puts. This mod­u­lar struc­ture enables the hard­ware to be pre­cisely adapted to dif­fer­ent automa­tion projects. Appli­ca­tions are devel­oped in GHM-ONE with a PC tool that sup­ports the user with over 100 pre­de­fined func­tion blocks and a user-friendly inter­face when imple­ment­ing their projects.

GHM One areas of use and appli­ca­tions

  • Indus­trial and lab­o­ra­tory ovens
  • Dry­ing sys­tems
  • Pas­teur­iza­tion sys­tems
  • Dos­ing con­trols
  • Sequence con­trols
  • Pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties
  • Test stands
  • Refrig­er­a­tion and cli­mate cham­bers
  • Mini brew­eries
  • Build­ing automa­tion
  • Cli­mate con­trol

Tech­ni­cal Data: GHM One

Ver­sorgungss­pan­nung 24 VDC / 100…240 VAC
Aufnehmerver­sorgung 18 V DC / 45 mA
Stro­mauf­nahme Max. 350 mA (24 V DC)
Anzeigeresis­tiver Touch-Screen; 3,5“, Auflö­sung 320 × 240 Pixel QVGA
LEDs2 pro­gram­mier­bare LEDs für Zus­tand­sanzeigen
Tas­ten4 frei beleg­bare Tas­ten
USB-SchnittstellenRück­seite: 1 × USB 2.0 Host (Typ A)
Front­seite: 1 × Mini-USB 2.0 Device (Typ B), gal­vanisch getrennt
Steck­plätze1 × für Kom­mu­nika­tion­skarte
2 × für E/A-Karten
Relais4 poten­zial­freie Relaisaus­gänge mit Wech­sler-
kon­tak­ten (230 V AC / 5A; 24 V DC / 5A)
CPUCor­tex A8, 600 MHz
Bootzeitca. 17 s
ja, net­zaus­fall­gepuffert
Spe­icherinterner Massen­spe­icher 2 GByte eMMC Spe­icher
DDR2 64 MByte
Flash 256 MByte
MRAM 128 kByte
(B × H × T)
98 × 98 × 115 mm ohne Stecker
98 × 98 × 130 mm mit Stecker
SchutzartIP65 front­seitig, IP20 restliches Gehäuse
Lager- und Trans­port-tem­per­atur-20 … +70 °C
Umge­bung­stem­per­atur Betrieb0 … +55 °C
Sales employee at HESCH

How can we be of ser­vice to you?

Call us

+49 5032 9535-0

or write us directly via the con­tact form.

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    Atten­tion: For data pro­tec­tion rea­sons, you must con­firm the legal notice with a tick in order to be able to sub­mit the form.

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