Dig­i­tal out­put mod­ule – HE 5825

The digital output module controls up to eight binary signals from the higher-level bus system and transmits them to the process level.


8 x D-OUT 24 V DC high-side driver

with LED for status indication




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Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the field­bus cou­pler takes place via an asyn­chro­nous ser­ial RS-485 con­nec­tion.


The out­puts can be oper­ated in a pre­de­fined clock mode to adjust the power of the actu­a­tors.


The sig­nal state of the dig­i­tal out­puts is indi­cated via sta­tus LEDs. The areas of sup­ply volt­age, field­bus and logic are gal­van­i­cally iso­lated from each other. Mod­ule errors and errors in case of over­load, short cir­cuit or miss­ing sup­ply are detected and dis­played.

In the event of a fault, the out­puts change to a pre­vi­ously defined safe sta­tus (Fail Safe).



Technical Specifications

HE 5825
Mod­ule typeHIMOD dig­i­tal out­put mod­ule 8 x 24 V DC
Power sup­plyOver inter­nal T-bus: 24 V DC / 7.5 V DC
Cur­rent con­sump­tionMax. 40 mA at 24 V / max. 60 mA
at 7.5 V
Elec­tri­cal iso­la­tion 2300 Veff[((sup­ply, log­ics) / per chan­nel]
Dig­i­tal out­put
  Prin­ci­pleHigh side dri­ver, invert­ible log­ics
  Sup­plyExter­nal sup­ply, 18…32 V DC
  LoadSta­tic with 2 A per chan­nel.
Max­i­mum total cur­rent: 12 A
  Cyclic oper­a­tionCan be set with cycle time and switch-on
time of 5 ms to 30 s
  Pro­tec­tive mech­a­nismsPro­tected against short-cir­cuit, over­volt­age,
overtem­per­a­ture, reverse volt­age
  Fail safeTran­si­tion of the out­puts to a
safe state in the event of error
Diag­nos­tic dis­play
  8 x yel­low LEDsSta­tus of the out­puts
  1 x 2-colour LEDMod­ule sta­tus
Wiring tech­niqueScrew / plug ter­mi­nals, con­duc­tor cross-sec­tion 0.2…2.5 mm²
Spring clamp / plug ter­mi­nals, con­duc­tor
cross-sec­tion 0.2…2.5 mm²
Weight150 g

Errors and changes excepted


Data sheet HE 5825 – Ger­man

Data sheet HE 5825 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5825 – Ger­man

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