Bollrath FPS-32

FPS-32 replace­ment wanted?

You have come to the right place.


Our mul­ti­func­tion con­troller HE 5697 MFC is the per­fect replace­ment for the no longer avail­able PLC small con­troller FPS-32 from Boll­rath Elek­tronik.

Ersatz für FPS-32/N SPS-Kleinsteuerung von Bollrath Elektronik

The FPS-32, once devel­oped by Boll­rath Elek­tronik of Rhede, Ger­many, was a pop­u­lar small PLC con­troller in indus­try.

But with the dis­ap­pear­ance of the com­pany, ser­vice, sup­port and spare parts for this prod­uct have also dis­ap­peared.


This can cause sig­nif­i­cant prob­lems for oper­a­tors in the pro­duc­tion chain.

At AXXERON HESCH Elec­tron­ics we have the solu­tion!

Our mul­ti­func­tion con­troller HE 5697 MFC is the all-rounder among the con­trollers and enables you to inde­pen­dently con­trol the process with­out any PLC or pro­gram­ming knowl­edge.

It has the same dimen­sions and offers all the fea­tures you are used to from the FPS-32 and can there­fore be eas­ily and seam­lessly inte­grated into your exist­ing sys­tem .

Pre­cisely fit­ting and mod­u­larly expand­able

Like the FPS-32 con­troller from Boll­rath Elek­tronik, the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller is designed for uni­ver­sal instal­la­tion in ¼ DIN for­mat. Oper­a­tion is user-friendly via the 3.5″ touch screen and four freely pro­gram­ma­ble keys. The basic device offers slots for two input/output cards and one com­mu­ni­ca­tion card, which can be selected indi­vid­u­ally depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion.


In addi­tion, AXXERON HESCH Elec­tron­ics offers com­pre­hen­sive ser­vice and sup­port.
Our com­pe­tent team is ready to assist you with any ques­tions or prob­lems.


HE 5697 MFC
Ver­sorgungss­pan­nung 24 VDC / 100…240 VAC
Stro­mauf­nahme Max. 350 mA (24 V DC)
CPUCor­tex A8, 600 MHz
USB-SchnittstellenRück­seite: 1 × USB 2.0 Host (Typ A)
Front­seite: 1 × Mini-USB 2.0 Device (Typ B), gal­vanisch getrennt
Steck­plätze1 × für Kom­mu­nika­tion­skarte
2 × für E/A-Karten
Relais4 poten­zial­freie Relaisaus­gänge mit Wech­slerkon­tak­ten (230 V AC / 5A; 24 V DC / 5A)
Spe­icherinterner Massen­spe­icher 2 GByte eMMC Spe­icher
DDR2 64 MByte
Flash 256 MByte
MRAM 128 kByte
ja, net­zaus­fall­gepuffert
Anzeige / Bedi­enungTFT mit Hin­ter­grund­beleuch­tung, 320×240 Pixel QVGA, resis­tiver Touch-Screen; 3,5“;
4 frei beleg­bare Tas­ten; 2 pro­gram­mier­bare LEDs für Zus­tand­sanzeigen
Abmes­sun­gen 98 × 98 × 115 mm (ohne Stecker) / 98 × 98 × 130 mm (mit Stecker) (B×H×T)
SchutzartIP65 front­seitig, IP20 restliches Gehäuse

Fur­ther tech­ni­cal details can be found in the
device descrip­tion [PDF].

Ersatz für FPS-32/N SPS-Kleinsteuerung von Bollrath Elektronik
Multifunktionscontroller HE 5697 MFC - Anschlüsse auf der Rückseite

Read in the
user reports
about the var­i­ous fields of appli­ca­tion.


User reports

With our solu­tion, you not only get a reli­able replace­ment for the FPS-32 from Boll­rath Elek­tronik, but also a prod­uct that enables indi­vid­ual oper­a­tion through freely con­fig­urable oper­at­ing pages and a mod­ern TFT dis­play.

Bedienung EasyTool MFC
Bedi­enung und Pro­gram­mer­stel­lung mit Easy­Tool MFC

More than 100 tested and pre­fab­ri­cated func­tion blocks are avail­able in the “Easy­Tool MFC” appli­ca­tion soft­ware and are sim­ply assem­bled and wired on the graph­i­cal user inter­face using drag & drop. Fast and com­pletely with­out pro­gram­ming knowl­edge.

Screenshot EasyTool MFC
In the graph­i­cal edi­tor (Easy­Tool MFC), the user wires the fin­ished func­tion blocks with­out requir­ing any pro­gram­ming knowl­edge.

Ques­tions about the prod­uct?

Call us or send us your request right here

+49 5032 9535-0


You can down­load the appli­ca­tion soft­ware for free and test it end­lessly.

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