Ana­log input mod­ule – HE 5831

The analog input module acquires up to two analog signals from displacement, angle and position sensors and transmits them to the higher-level bus system.


2 x A-IN potentiometric encoders

Module exchange during operation (live hot swap)




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Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the bus cou­pler takes place via an asyn­chro­nous ser­ial RS485 con­nec­tion.


A short-cir­cuit proof volt­age is pro­vided to sup­ply the poten­tio­met­ric encoders. Each input has adjustable MIN and MAX val­ues at which an alarm mes­sage is sent to the process con­trol sys­tem. The mod­ule receives the power sup­ply via the T-Bus con­nec­tor from the bus cou­pler or from a power mod­ule.


In the event of an error, the mod­ules oper­ate with pre­vi­ously defined error val­ues to ensure reli­able process con­trol.

Technical Data

HE 5731
Intended UseSole­noid valve con­trol for clean­ing indus­trial fil­ter
Mod­els• HE 5731 in com­pact hous­ing as mas­ter con­trol with
  16 valve out­puts max­i­mum
• HE 5731 oper­at­ing unit as con­trol panel built-in cas­ing
  (the valve out­puts are located on
the con­trol unit)
• exten­sion units as slave con­trols,
  a total of 64 valves can be con­trolled
Sup­ply volt­age• 100…240 VAC / 50…60 Hz
• 24 VDC ±10% (option) safety extra-low volt­age (SELV)
Exten­sion units are sup­plied by the mas­ter con­troller
Power con­sump­tion30 VA with 100…240 VAC con­trol
Max. 30 W with 24 VDC con­trols
Valves24 VDC, max. 1 A
16 valves per device, 64 valves per sys­tem
Pulse time0.01...9.99 sec­onds adjustable
Break time1.0... 999 sec­onds adjustable
Dis­play7-seg­ment dis­play, 3-digit, 14 mm height, white
for dif­fer­en­tial pressure/valve dis­play, para­me­ter and
alarm val­ues
LEDs14 LEDs for sta­tus dis­plays, 16 LEDs for dif­fer­en­tial
pres­sure col­umn
Ana­logue out­put4…20 mA + sen­sor sup­ply for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure
sen­sor, 24 VDC max. 80 mA
Dig­i­tal inputsStart post-clean­ing release
Relay out­put1 change-over con­tact 250 VAC, 5 A as com­bined
oper­at­ing and fault sig­nal
Inter­facesUSB device, type B for writ­ing and read­ing the
para­me­ters (USB / TTL adapter required)
RS 485 as inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion bus
Air / creep­age dis­tancesPol­lu­tion degree 2, over­volt­age cat­e­gory II
EMCInter­fer­ence emis­sion: BS EN 61000-6-4
Resis­tance to inter­fer­ence: BS EN 61000-6-2
Device des­ig­na­tion
Hous­ing dimen­sions
Com­pact hous­ing231 × 125 × 90 mm
(panel mount­ing)
200 × 122 × 30 mm
(con­trol unit)
192 × 128 × 63 mm
Con­nec­tion set for
the com­pact hous­ing
3 × M32×1.5 with mul­ti­ple seal­ing insert for 6 cables
3 × M16×1.5 for sup­ply and com­mu­ni­ca­tion
Cross-sec­tion rigid/flex:max. 2.5 mm², flex.: max. 2.5 mm2
with­out fer­rule
Rest: cross-sec­tion rigid: max. 1.5 mm2, flex.: max. 0.75
mm2 with fer­rule
Com­pact hous­ingWall mount­ing. Mount­ing posi­tion: ver­ti­cal
Mod­u­larPanel-mount­ing hous­ing, ver­ti­cal mount­ing posi­tion
Con­trol unit: stan­dard rail
Ambi­ent con­di­tions
  Stor­age- 20 °C…+ 70 °C
  Trans­port- 25 °C…+ 85 °C
  Oper­a­tionCom­pact hous­ing
  • -20 °C…+50 °C
  • in EX Zone 22: -20 °C…+40 °C
  • -20°C…+50°C
  • No EX approval
  Rel­a­tive humid­ityRel­a­tive humid­ity 95%, no con­den­sa­tion allowed,
KUF accord­ing to DIN 40400


Data sheet HE 5831 – Ger­man

Data sheet HE 5831 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5831 – Ger­man

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