Fil­ter con­trol – HE 5760

Filter control system for industrial chamber filter installations


easy setup by parameters: no programming


Control pre-parameterised ex works and immediately ready for use


Pre-assembled control boxes available


Parameterization either with PC software or via local operation

Controls up to 576 valves




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HE 5760 Fil­ter con­trol

The HE 5760 is a mas­ter-slave con­trol for the clean­ing process of cham­ber-ori­ented dust removal sys­tems. The expan­sion to a com­plete clean­ing con­trol is done with the valve con­trol HE 5725 (slave), which con­trols 12 valves at a time.

Valve control unit-HE-5725-for-filter-control-HE-5760


Up to 48 valve con­trollers can be cen­trally con­trolled by the HE 5760 as exten­sions (CAN slaves). Thanks to the tech­nol­ogy of large multi-cham­ber fil­ters, sophis­ti­cated fil­ter con­trol tasks can be real­ized. This scal­a­bil­ity also makes it pos­si­ble to equip small sys­tems with a favor­able price-per­for­mance ratio.

Later exten­sions and adap­ta­tions to local con­di­tions can be imple­mented with­out any prob­lems.

Sys­tem struc­ture HE 5760

The HE 5760 fil­ter con­trol is located in a front panel hous­ing with mem­brane key­pad and graphic dis­play and is designed for instal­la­tion in con­trol cab­i­nets. Oper­a­tion takes place locally at the con­trol cab­i­net, which can be equipped with addi­tional switchgear and sig­nal lamps. The mas­ter con­trol is set to the exist­ing num­ber of cham­bers and valves using the con­fig­u­ra­tion menu. Alter­na­tively, this can also be done with the PC soft­ware “Smart­Tool” via the USB inter­face.

Sim­ple and con­ve­nient com­mis­sion­ing thanks to con­trol cab­i­net design

Ready-to-assem­ble and ready-to-plug-in con­trol cab­i­nets sig­nif­i­cantly reduce com­mis­sion­ing time and elim­i­nate wiring and con­fig­u­ra­tion errors. If nec­es­sary, com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the con­trol sys­tem is via a CAN par­al­lel inter­face.

HE 5760 installed in the switch cabinet


We are happy to sup­ply you with the con­trol unit as a tested com­plete sys­tem on request. Unpack, install, con­nect – done.
Find out more about switch cab­i­net con­struc­tion now


– CAN master control for filter systems up to 576 valves
– Support of up to 48 slave controllers HE 5725
– Function selection instead of programming
– Configuration with 'SmartTool' PC software
– Parameterization and system status secured against power failure
– Graphic display 128 x 64 pixels for text and symbols
– Multilingual user interface, switchable
– 'HotKeys': Actual values, alarms, measured values, info
– Local operating elements can be connected directly to the controller
– Program updates via USB interface
– Message to higher-level control with separate parallel interface
– Galvanic isolation between CAN interface and local inputs and outputs

Technical data

HE 5760 Fil­ter­s­teuerung
Ver­sorgung- 24 V DC (22…26 V DC)
- gal­vanisch getrennt
- 0,3 A typ­isch
- 5 A max­i­mal
Anzeige- Grafik-LC-Dis­play
- Auflö­sung: 128 × 64 Pixel
- Anzeige­fläche: 66 × 33 mm
- Farbe: gel­b­grün
LEDs3 Stück
- Betrieb: grün
- Reini­gung aktiv: gelb
- Alarme: rot
Bedi­enele­mente12 Tas­ten
- Befehl- und Steuer­tas­ten: ESC, F1, F2, ENTER
- Nav­i­ga­tion und Werteingabe: LINKS, RECHTS, AUF, AB
- Hotkeys: 4 Funk­tion­stas­ten für die Anla­genbe­di­enung
Prozes­sor- Fujitsu MB96F348
- 544 kB Flash / 280 kB RAM
- 1 MB Flash für Para­me­ter und Daten
- Echtzeituhr optional
Schnittstellen- CAN Schnittstelle, gal­vanisch getrennt, 50 kBit/s
- Leit­tech­nikschnittstelle: Mod­bus RTU, Profibus
Dig­i­tale­ingänge5 Stück
24 V DC, gal­vanisch getrennt, für lokale Bedi­enung: Bedi­enung am Schaltschrank mit Tastern und Meldeleuchten
Analo­ge­ingänge2 Stück
4…20 mA für Sys­tem­druck und Dif­feren­z­druck, Genauigkeit: 0,1 %
Dig­i­ta­laus­gänge4 Stück
24 V DC, 1A, kurz­schlussfest, für lokale Bedi­enung
Abmes­sun­gen196 × 126 × 40 mm (B × H × T)
Auss­chnitt166 × 96 mm (B × H)
Elek­trische AnschlüsseUSB-Schnittstel­len­stecker Typ B;
Schraub-Steck­klem­men für Ver­sorgung, CAN, lokale Bedi­enung und Mes­sung
SchutzartFront: IP 65
Rück­seite: IP 20
EMVStör­fes­tigkeit: DIN EN 61000-6-2 und DIN EN 61326-1
Störaussendung: DIN EN 61000-6-3 und DIN EN 61326-1
Kli­ma­tis­che Umge­bungs­be­din­gun­gen
Betrieb-10…+55 °C
Lagerung-25…+60 °C
Trans­port-25…+85 °C
Umge­bungs­feuchtigkeitMax. 75 % rel. Feuchte, keine Betau­ung zuläs­sig

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Oper­at­ing instruc­tions HE 5760 – Ger­man | Eng­lish

Data sheet HE 5760 – Ger­man | Eng­lish

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