PMA KS45 Rail Line universal controller

Local display and operation

Universal input for thermocouples, PT100, mV, V and mA

Optional second universal input

3 outputs, one of which is universal

2-point/3-point/motor step and continuous control

Timer and programmer





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Uni­ver­sal con­troller PMA KS45

The PMA KS45 is suit­able for pre­cise con­trol tasks in all areas of indus­try. You can choose between sim­ple on/off con­trol, PID con­trol and motor step con­trol. The actual value sig­nal is con­nected via a uni­ver­sal input. A sec­ond ana­log input can be used for heat­ing cur­rent mea­sure­ment or as an exter­nal set­point input. A PMA KS45 has at least one uni­ver­sal input and two switch­ing out­puts. The uni­ver­sal con­troller can option­ally be equipped with a uni­ver­sal out­put or with opto­cou­pler out­puts. The uni­ver­sal out­put can be con­fig­ured as a con­tin­u­ous out­put with cur­rent or volt­age, for con­trol­ling solid state relays or for pow­er­ing trans­mit­ters. There is gal­vanic iso­la­tion between inputs and out­puts, as well as to the aux­il­iary power and to the com­mu­ni­ca­tion inter­faces.


The con­troller is ideal for use in the fol­low­ing appli­ca­tions:

  • Oven, burner and boiler
  • Heat treat­ment plants
  • Dry­ers and cli­mate cham­bers
  • Plas­tics pro­cess­ing
  • Ster­il­iz­ers
  • Oxy­gen appli­ca­tions



Func­tions and spe­cial fea­tures

  • Com­pact design, only 22.5 mm (0.87″) wide
  • Can be snapped onto top-hat rail
  • Plug-in screw or spring-loaded ter­mi­nals
  • Two-line LCD dis­play with addi­tional dis­play ele­ments
  • Con­ve­nient 3-but­ton oper­a­tion
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion capa­bil­ity with wire­less cross-con­nec­tion in top-hat rail, field­bus con­nec­tion via bus cou­pler
  • Sim­ple inte­gra­tion into PLC / PC
  • Uni­ver­sal input
  • Sec­ond ana­log input for ext. Set­point or heat­ing cur­rent
  • Uni­ver­sal out­put high-res­o­lu­tion, com­bined current/voltage out­put
  • Two relay or opto­cou­pler out­puts
  • Cycle time 100 ms suit­able for fast sig­nals
  • 2-point, 3-point, motor step, con­tin­u­ous con­trol
  • Self-opti­miza­tion



Oper­a­tion and dis­play

The two-line LCD dis­play allows the mea­sured val­ues to be dis­played and the device to be fully oper­ated. The two-color LED and 4 addi­tional dis­play ele­ments reli­ably indi­cate the oper­at­ing sta­tus, oper­at­ing mode and error mes­sages. The unit of the mea­sured vari­able is shown in the dis­play and can also be defined on a cus­tomer-spe­cific basis. The extended oper­at­ing level is used to dis­play any sig­nals and para­me­ters in the 2nd dis­play line.


Inter­face and engi­neer­ing tool

Set­tings can be made via the front panel as well as via the Blue-Port® front inter­face and the Blue­Con­trol® soft­ware. The PMA KS45 can exchange data with higher-level con­trol sys­tems and PCs via the optional RS 485 inter­face with MODBUS-RTU pro­to­col, which is installed in the top-hat rail. Devices with the sys­tem inter­face option are con­nected to field­buses via a bus cou­pler


Blue­Con­trol® and Blue-Port® are reg­is­tered trade­marks of PMA Prozeß- und Maschi­nen-Automa­tion GmbH




Data sheet PMA KS 45 – Ger­man

Data sheet PMA KS 45 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions PMA KS 45 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions PMA KS 45 – Eng­lish

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