Stand-alone temperature limiter / temperature monitor

DIN rail device, 96 x 22.5 x 117.5mm (Hร—Wร—D)

Local display and operation

Universal input for thermocouples, PT100, mV, V and mA

Optional second universal input

Limit value switch-off and advance warning

RS 485 Modbus RTU or system bus with fieldbus coupler





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PMA TB45 Temยญperยญaยญture limยญiter for DIN rail mountยญing

The PMA TB45 is supยญplied as a stand-alone temยญperยญaยญture limiter/monitor or limit value indiยญcaยญtor with optional Modยญbus interยญface or as a sysยญtem comยญpoยญnent with verยญsaยญtile comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion conยญnecยญtions via the bus couยญplers of the Rail Line sysยญtem. This means that the limยญiter can be easยญily inteยญgrated into a cenยญtral conยญtrol sysยญtem. Its meaยญsured valยญues can also be used by other funcยญtions. There is elecยญtriยญcal isoยญlaยญtion between the inputs and outยญputs as well as to the auxยญilยญiary power and the comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion interยญfaces.


The PMA TB45 is used for both heatยญing and coolยญing processes and is suitยญable for all therยญmoยญcouยญples and resisยญtance senยญsors.



  • Conยญfigยญurable as a limยญiter, monยญiยญtor or limit value indiยญcaยญtor
  • Comยญpact design, only 22.5 mm wide
  • Can be snapped onto top-hat rail
  • Plug-in screw or spring-loaded terยญmiยญnals
  • Two-line LCD disยญplay with addiยญtional disยญplay eleยญments
  • Conยญveยญnient 3-butยญton operยญaยญtion
  • Comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion capaยญbilยญity with wireยญless cross-conยญnecยญtion in top-hat rail
  • BlueยญPortยฎ front interยญface
  • Two uniยญverยญsal inputs (only for device verยญsion TB45-1)
  • Two relay outยญputs
  • Two pre-alarms
  • Uniยญverยญsal outยญput for disยญplay valยญues



Typยญiยญcal areas of appliยญcaยญtion for the PMA TB45:

  • Sysยญtems in which exceedยญing or falling below a cerยญtain temยญperยญaยญture leads to damยญage
  • Heat genยญerยญaยญtion sysยญtems with flow temยญperยญaยญtures up to 120 ยฐC in accorยญdance with DIN 4751
  • Hot water sysยญtems with flow temยญperยญaยญtures of more than 110 ยฐC in accorยญdance with DIN 4752
  • Heat transยญfer sysยญtems with organic heat transยญfer media accordยญing to DIN 4754
  • Oil firยญing sysยญtems accordยญing to DIN 4755



Disยญplay and operยญaยญtion

The two-line LCD disยญplay allows the limit value, the meaยญsured value and the comยญplete operยญaยญtion of the PMA TB45 to be disยญplayed. An LED and four other disยญplay eleยญments reliยญably indiยญcate the operยญatยญing staยญtus, operยญatยญing mode and error mesยญsages. The unit of the meaยญsured variยญable can be shown in the disยญplay and can also be defined on a cusยญtomer-speยญcific basis. Via the extended operยญatยญing level
any sigยญnals and paraยญmeยญters can be disยญplayed in the 2nd disยญplay line



Interยญface and engiยญneerยญing tool

Setยญtings can be made via the front panel as well as via the Blue-Portยฎ front interยญface and the BlueยญConยญtrolยฎ softยญware.

BlueยญConยญtrolยฎ and Blue-Portยฎ are regยญisยญtered tradeยญmarks of PMA ProzeรŸ- und Maschiยญnen-Automaยญtion GmbH


PMA TB 45 data sheet โ€“ Gerยญman

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