Valve con­trol – HE 5731 (mod­u­lar)

Modularly expandable up to 64 valve outputs

Clear symbols for intuitive operation via membrane keys

Fast commissioning thanks to minimal cabling effort and screwless connection technology

Expandable to up to 64 valve outputs

Differential pressure or time-controlled cleaning




Produkt anfragen



Valve con­trol with sep­a­rate oper­at­ing and con­trol unit. Ideal for con­trol cab­i­net mount­ing.

The basic unit HE 5731 enables the time or dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure depen­dent con­trol of 16 sole­noid valves in dedust­ing sys­tems.



The con­trol unit HE 5731

  • Menu- and pro­gram­ming-free para­me­ter­i­za­tion
  • Oper­a­tion via mem­brane keys
  • Intu­itive oper­a­tion due to clear sym­bols and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure level dis­play
  • Three-digit dig­i­tal dis­play
  • Screw­less con­nec­tion tech­nol­ogy
  • Device ver­sion also avail­able as time con­trol



Mod­u­lar expand­able

With three exten­sion units, 64 valves can be con­trolled. The valves are acti­vated sequen­tially and mon­i­tored for over­cur­rent and inter­rup­tion.


Differential pressure column of the HE 5712

Dis­play of the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure switch­ing thresh­olds

Intu­itive oper­a­tion

The lan­guage-inde­pen­dent sym­bol labelling enables the con­trol sys­tem to be used world­wide.


  • Clear sta­tus dis­play with LEDs
  • Sim­ple oper­a­tion with­out com­pli­cated menu struc­tures










Exter­nal dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment

The dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure is mea­sured exter­nally and trans­mit­ted as a 4…20 mA sig­nal to the higher-level con­troller (does not apply to devices with pure time con­trol). The sig­nal can be con­nected to the mas­ter as well as to one of the exten­sion units. Fur­ther­more, it is pos­si­ble to con­nect the 4…20 mA sig­nal e.g. to an exter­nal dis­play unit. For this pur­pose, the indi­ca­tor is con­nected in series with a dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter(e.g. HE 5409) accord­ing to the wiring dia­gram. If gal­vanic iso­la­tion is nec­es­sary, an iso­la­tion ampli­fier (e.g. HE 501/HE 502) should be used.


Con­ve­nient para­me­ter­i­za­tion

The con­trol sys­tem can be para­me­ter­ized via the mem­brane key­pad or option­ally with the Easy­Tool Con­trols soft­ware. With Easy­Tool Con­trols, para­me­ter data sets can be trans­ferred to the con­troller eas­ily and quickly. This is par­tic­u­larly con­ve­nient when a num­ber of con­trollers have to be recorded with the same data sets.


Prac­ti­cal: Flex­i­ble mount­ing for reduced cabling

The mod­u­lar con­cept of the HE 5731 allows the con­trol unit to be mounted sep­a­rately from the oper­at­ing unit. The con­trol unit can be mounted up to 100 meters away from the con­trol unit so that the con­trol unit is in the user’s field of vision. This means he always has the sta­tus dis­play in view and can react quickly if nec­es­sary. The con­trol unit with the valve con­nec­tions remains close to the valves, which sig­nif­i­cantly reduces the amount of cabling required.


The sep­a­rately avail­able con­nec­tion set with match­ing cable glands and the pre-assem­bled cables with valve plugs in var­i­ous lengths are a use­ful addi­tion to the con­trol sys­tem.


– chip filtering systems
– stone dust filter
– Filters with higher monitoring requirements

Mains supply


Technical data

HE 5731
Ver­wen­dungszweckMag­netven­til­s­teuerung für die Abreini­gung von indus­triellen Fil­ter­an­la­gen
Aus­führun­gen• HE 5731 im Kom­pak­t­ge­häuse als Mas­ter­s­teuerung mit
  max. 16 Ven­ti­laus­gän­gen
Ver­sorgungss­pan­nung• 100…240 VAC / 50…60 Hz
• 24 VDC ±10% (Option) Sicher­heit­skleinspan­nung (SELV)
Erweiterung­sein­heiten wer­den aus der Mas­ter­s­teuerung ver­sorgt
Leis­tungsauf­nahme30 VA bei 100…240 V AC Steuerung
Max. 30 W bei 24 V DC Steuerun­gen
Ven­tile24 VDC, max. 1 A
16 Ven­tile pro Gerät, 64 Ven­tile pro Anlage
Pul­szeit0,01…9,99 Sekun­den ein­stell­bar
Pausen­zeit1,0…999 Sekun­den ein­stell­bar
Anzeige7-Seg­men­tanzeige, 3-stel­lig, 14 mm Höhe, weiß
für Dif­feren­z­druck- / Ven­ti­lanzeige, Para­me­ter- und
LEDs14 LEDs für Zus­tand­sanzeigen, 16 LEDs für
Tas­tenWerte­in­stel­lung: PARA (ESC), AUF, AB, ENTER, TEST-Tast
Analo­gein­gang4…20 mA + Aufnehmerver­sorgung für
Dif­feren­z­druck­sen­sor, 24 VDC max. 80 mA
Dig­i­tale­ingängeStart, Nachreini­gung, Freigabe
Relaisaus­gang1 Wech­slerkon­takt 250 VAC, 5 A als kom­binierte Betriebs-und Störm
SchnittstellenUSB Device, Typ B für Schreiben und Lesen der Para­me­ter
(USB / TTL-Adapter erforder­lich)
RS 485 als interner Kom­mu­nika­tions­bus
Luft- und
Ver­schmutzungs­grad 2, Überspan­nungskat­e­gorie II
EMVStöraussendung: DIN EN 61000-6-4
Stör­fes­tigkeit: DIN EN 61000-6-2
Gehäuse Abmes­sun­gen
Mod­u­lar (Schalttafelein­bau)200 × 122 × 30 mm
Mod­u­lar (Steuere­in­heit)192 × 128 × 63 mm
Anschluss­set beim Kom­pak­t­ge­häuse3 × M32 × 1,5 mit Mehrfachdichtein­satz für 6 Leitun­gen
3 × M16 × 1,5 für Ver­sorgung und Kom­mu­nika­tion
Elek­trische AnschlüsseVer­sorgung: Quer­schnitt starr/flex: max. 2,5 mm2, Flex­i­bel:
max. 2,5 mm2 ohne Aderend­hülse
Rest: Quer­schnitt starr: max. 1,5 mm², Flex­i­bel: max. 0,75
mm² mit Aderend­hülse
Mon­tageSchalttafelein­bauge­häuse, Ein­baulage senkrecht
Steuere­in­heit: Norm­schiene
  Lagerung- 20 °C…+ 70 °C
  Trans­port- 25 °C…+ 85 °C
  • -20°C…+50°C
  • Keine EX-Zulas­sung
  Rel­a­tive FeuchteRel­a­tive Luft­feuchte 95%, keine Betau­ung zuläs­sig, KUF
nach DIN 40400

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data sheet HE 5731 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5731 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5731 – Eng­lish

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