Valve con­trol unit HE 5724


Valve control unit for a fieldbus based cleaning system


Valve control and function monitoring in real time

Control ready for immediate use, as parameterization is performed on the HE 5750 master control system


Pre-assembled control boxes available


Controls up to 32 valves


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Addi­tional unit for the HE 5750 fil­ter clean­ing sys­tem


The HE 5724 valve con­troller is part of a field­bus valve con­trol sys­tem. The con­troller is com­pletely pre-wired, con­fig­ured and tested. It does not require any fur­ther set­tings or con­fig­u­ra­tions. On site, only the CAN line and the power sup­ply have to be con­nected.




We will be happy to advise you with­out oblig­a­tion, please con­tact us.




Control functions

– Real valve function monitoring with only one pressure transmitter per pressure tank
– Monitoring of the valve circuits (cable break, overcurrent)
– Monitoring valve function for proper opening and closing
– Fabric filter monitoring (hose rupture) in the chambers via dust sensor
– Control of isolation valves in case of maintenance or malfunction

Diagnostic options

– Pressure drop at each valve
– Dust increase with each valve


– Exhaust gas dust extraction in waste incineration plants and cement plants
– Flue gas dust extraction in power plants

Structure overall system

Structure of the HE 5750 cleaning system

Struc­ture of the clean­ing sys­tem

The cen­tral unit in the CAN net­work of the clean­ing con­trol unit for indus­trial bag fil­ters is the HE 5750 mas­ter con­trol unit. This com­mu­ni­cates with the HE 5724 decen­tral­ized valve con­trol units and the HE 5740 damper con­trol units via the indus­trial CAN bus.


The main task of the HE 5750 mas­ter con­troller is to coor­di­nate and mon­i­tor all con­nected mod­ules and to ensure com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the con­trol sys­tem.


The HE 5724 slave con­trol units are respon­si­ble for con­trol­ling and mon­i­tor­ing the valve process. The damper con­trol units serve as an inter­face to the damper actu­a­tors.


The HE 5750 can con­trol up to 32 slave boxes, with the con­nec­tion between the var­i­ous func­tional units being estab­lished via the CAN bus.


In addi­tion, inte­gra­tion into the con­trol tech­nol­ogy via Profibus-DP, Mod­bus or Eth­er­net is pro­vided as stan­dard.

Struc­ture clean­ing sys­tem HE 5750.pdf

Technical data

HE 5724
Sup­ply volt­age24 V DC; -10/+15 %
100… 240 V AC oder 90 .. 250 DC (with AC/DC Con­verter)
Power input40VA
EMC16 EN 61000-6-3 (2007) + A1, EN 61000-6-2 (2005)
Shock / vibra­tion resis­tance-
Out­put sig­nals valvesolt­age: 24V DC; 1 A,
Quan­tity: 32, short-cir­cuit proof
CAN busaccord­ing to ISO 11898, max. 1 Mbit/s • Spec­i­fi­ca­tion: 2.0A • Sup­ply: gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
Dis­play4 × LED for oper­a­tion, Puls, CAN, Error
Con­nec­tion tech­nol­ogyPush-In clamps
Stor­age tem­per­a­ture-20 … +70 °C
Oper­at­ing tem­per­a­ture0 … + 60 °C
Rel­a­tive humid­ityPer­ma­nent 75 % humid­ity, non-con­dens­ing
JumperXJ1: CAN-Bus Ter­mi­na­tion (bus ter­mi­na­tion).
Must not be done if ter­mi­na­tion has already been done on the out­side of the con­nec­tor.
XJ2: Dust sen­sor Jumper, ana­logue or switch­ing con­tact
XJ3: Dust sen­sor Jumper, ana­logue or switch­ing con­tact
Hous­ing dimen­sions400 × 300 × 155 mm (W × H × D) Stan­dard switch box
Exe­cu­tionSheet steel RAL 7035,
Pro­tec­tion classIP55 (Higher upon request)
ULPos­si­ble upon request
Valve cable Sensor/actuator cable 3-pole, free cable end on valve con­nec­tor
Mate­ri­alsCon­trol cable halo­gen-free, black-grey RAL 7021
Con­nec­tor plug valveTyp-A DIN 43650-A / ISO 4400 (sharp­ened)

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Prod­uct brochure HE5750 / HE5760

Data sheet HE 5724 – Ger­man

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