Clean­ing con­trol HE 5750


Fieldbus-supported cleaning system for large industrial filter plants

Automatic hose rupture monitoring


Control pre-parameterised ex works and immediately ready for use


Pre-assembled control boxes available


Parameterization either with PC software or via local operation

Controls up to 1024 valves


Produkt anfragen



Savings potential for large filter plants with the HE5750 cleaning system from AXXERON HESCH electronics

Auto­matic mon­i­tor­ing of valve and fil­ter func­tions


Espe­cially large fil­ter plants with sev­eral hun­dred clean­ing valves and many thou­sands of fil­ter bags, such as those found in waste incin­er­a­tion plants and cement works, should have a high degree of auto­mated mon­i­tor­ing processes to ensure that the plant is always fully func­tional.


For this rea­son, HESCH has inte­grated auto­matic hose rup­ture mon­i­tor­ing into the HE 5750 clean­ing con­trol sys­tem in addi­tion to exten­sive mon­i­tor­ing of the clean­ing valve func­tion. For this pur­pose, only one cen­tral dust sen­sor is option­ally required, which mounted in the clean gas duct at the fil­ter out­let, mon­i­tors the dust load of all cham­bers.



Old tech­nol­ogy out – new tech­nol­ogy in

Increase energy efficiency and apply for 30 percent funding


Bring your plant up to date with the HE 5750 and sus­tain­ably reduce energy con­sump­tion.

The sup­port pro­gram of the Ger­man Fed­eral Office of Eco­nom­ics and Export Con­trol(BAFA) and the Kred­i­tanstalt für Wieder­auf­bau (KfW) pro­vides large indus­trial com­pa­nies with 30% fund­ing* for energy effi­ciency improve­ments.


Exam­ple cal­cu­la­tion:

By opti­miz­ing the con­trol sys­tem, oper­a­tors of dust col­lec­tion sys­tems can reduce power con­sump­tion by about 10 % when using a 500-kilo­watt suc­tion hoist. At a kW price of € 0.08, they save around € 35,000 in energy costs per year.


*Sub­ject to legal changes. We do not guar­an­tee the receipt of the grant.


Pre-pres­sure con­trol: new fea­ture enables energy costs to be reduced


Sav­ing energy is even more impor­tant today than ever before, due to recent high elec­tric­ity price increases. HESCH has devel­oped an energy-sav­ing func­tion for oper­a­tors of large fil­ter sys­tems.

The new inlet pres­sure con­trol opti­mizes the clean­ing pres­sure. The inlet pres­sure con­trol ensures that only as much com­pressed air is deliv­ered as is required for clean­ing the fil­ter. The con­sump­tion of expen­sive com­pressed air is reduced. In addi­tion, the upstream pres­sure con­trol also has a pos­i­tive effect on the ser­vice life of the fil­ter media, since the fil­ter ele­ments are sub­jected to com­pressed air more gen­tly than before. This lower load increases the ser­vice life of the fil­ter ele­ments.



Filter house with old filter bags

The HE 5750 reports the exact posi­tion of the defec­tive fil­ter bag.

Accu­rate hose rup­ture local­iza­tion

If one of three freely defined limit val­ues of the dust load is exceeded, the con­trol sys­tem auto­mat­i­cally assigns this event to the respec­tive cham­ber and trig­gers the cor­re­spond­ing reac­tion (e.g. an error mes­sage, an alarm or the shut­down of the sys­tem).


In this way, not only is fault-free oper­a­tion guar­an­teed at all times, but in the event of a hose rup­ture, imme­di­ately a mes­sage is also gen­er­ated with the exact posi­tion of the dam­aged hose row.


This con­sid­er­ably min­i­mizes the time required to locate a defec­tive fil­ter bag and thus increases the avail­abil­ity and effi­ciency of the sys­tem.





We will be happy to advise you with­out oblig­a­tion, please con­tact us.




Control functions

– Real valve function monitoring with only one pressure transmitter per pressure tank
– Monitoring of the valve circuits (cable break, overcurrent)
– Monitoring valve function for proper opening and closing
– Bunker level monitoring
– Fabric filter monitoring (hose rupture) in the chambers via dust sensor
– Control of isolation valves in case of maintenance or malfunction
– NEW: Pre-pressure control for optimization of the cleaning pressure


– Exhaust gas dust extraction in waste incineration plants and cement plants
– Flue gas dust extraction in power plants

Structure overall system

Structure of the HE 5750 cleaning system

Struc­ture of the clean­ing sys­tem

The HE 5750 sys­tem con­troller is the cen­tral unit in the CAN net­work of the clean­ing con­trol sys­tem for indus­trial bag fil­ters. The cen­tral con­trol unit com­mu­ni­cates with the decen­tral­ized valve con­trol units HE 5724 as well as the damper con­trol units HE 5740 via the indus­trial CAN bus.


The HE 5750 cen­tral con­trol unit takes over the task of coor­di­nat­ing and mon­i­tor­ing all con­nected assem­blies and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the con­trol sys­tem.


The HE 5724 slave con­trollers con­trol the valve con­trol and mon­i­tor­ing process. The damper con­trol units form the inter­face to the damper actu­a­tors.


The HE 5750 con­trols up to 32 slave boxes. The con­nec­tion between the func­tional units is made via CAN bus.

A con­nec­tion to a con­trol sys­tem via Profibus-DP, Mod­bus or Eth­er­net is stan­dard.


Struc­ture clean­ing sys­tem HE 5750.pdf

Technical data

HE 5750
Sup­ply volt­age24 V DC (18…30 V DC)
Dis­playGraphic LC dis­play, 240 × 64 pixel, 133 × 39 mm
Colour: green, back­light: LED
Key­boardMem­brane key­board, 16 func­tion keys, descrip­tion cus­tomer spe­cific.
Numeric key­pad
Cur­sor-/con­trol block
Real time clockDate, time (power fail­ure buffer: approx. 1 year)
μ Proces­sorSiemens C167CR
Mem­ory256 kByte sta­tic RAM 512 kByte FLASH data 512 kByte FLASH pro­gramm 8 kByte par­al­lel EEPROM
Inputs (on board)4 × ana­log: 4...20 mA, block gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
8 × dig­i­tal: 24 VDC gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
Out­puts8 × dig­i­tal: 24 VDC gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
Short-cir­cuit proof
CAN-BUSAcc. ISO 11898, max. 1 Mbit/s
•   Spec­i­fi­ca­tion: 2.0A
•   Sup­ply: gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
Profibus DPAcc. EN 50 170, max. 12 Mbit/s
•   auto­matic baud rate recog­ni­tion
•   RS 485
Ser­ial Inter­faceRS 232 and RS422 or RS 485 selec­table per soft­ware
Baud rate: max. 38400 bit/s
Hous­ingCon­trol panel instal­la­tion
Pro­tec­tion class: front pane IP54, rear side IP20
Mea­sure­ments295 × 200 × 40 mm (w × h × d)
Required cut­ting: 265 × 170 mm
JumperCAN bus ter­mi­na­tion (bus ter­mi­na­tion). Must not take place if the ter­mi­na­tion took place exter­nally at the con­nec­tion already.
aktiv inak­tiv
Humid­ityPer­ma­nent 75% rel. humid­ity, not con­densed
Shock Sen­siv­ityDIN 40046 IEC68-2-69
EMVDIN EN 50081 part 1
DIN EN 50082 part 2
Elec­tri­cal Con­nec­tion Via plug/screw-on ter­mi­nals (max. diam­e­ter 2.5 mm²)
  Stor­age- 20 °C – + 70 °C
  Oper­a­tion0 °C – + 50 °C
  Rel­a­tive humid­ityper­ma­nent 75% rel. humid­ity, not con­densed

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Prod­uct brochure HE5750 / HE5760

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5750 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5750 – Eng­lish

Data sheet com­plete sys­tem HE 5750 – Ger­man

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