Shaker fil­ter con­troller – HE 5733

Shaker filter control for the special requirements and optimum operation of shaker filter systems

Safe sedimentation in the dust discharge due to flow-free space with selectable settling time

Increased filter service life thanks to selectable filter pressure values

Integrated motor protection with rotating field detection and phase presence monitoring - particularly important for mobile filters with plug connection

Reduction of offline times through pressure-controlled cleaning

Automatic post-cleaning at the end of operation




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HE 5733 shaker filter controller for shaker filter systems

HE 5733 shaker fil­ter con­troller for use in shaker fil­ter sys­tems

Shaker fil­ter con­troller for opti­mum oper­a­tion of the fil­ter sys­tem

The HE 5733 option­ally records the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure via the fil­ter or con­trols the clean­ing process fully auto­mat­i­cally via the adjustable process times.

The user can not only set the time for clean­ing, but also the clean­ing cycles and the set­tling time indi­vid­u­ally. Para­me­ter­i­za­tion is pos­si­ble both via the key­pad and the LED dis­play of the shaker fil­ter con­troller, as well as via lap­top with con­nec­tion adapter and the Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0 soft­ware.





Sim­ple con­nec­tion and quick com­mis­sion­ing

A switch­ing input is avail­able for a remote start, as well as two switch­ing out­puts for fault and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure alarm. The quick and easy com­mis­sion­ing is par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing – all the nec­es­sary con­nec­tions for the fan, shak­ing motor and release sig­nal are inte­grated in the device. No addi­tional con­tac­tors or sim­i­lar are required.
All com­po­nents are built into a robust IP65 plas­tic hous­ing, which can also be used out­doors with­out addi­tional heat­ing thanks to its spe­cial design.


The hous­ing of the shaker fil­ter con­troller is par­tic­u­larly easy to ser­vice and install. Thanks to the hinged lid, only a slot­ted screw­driver is needed to open the device. This saves time com­pared to stan­dard hous­ings which are closed with 4 screws. Option­ally, the addi­tional lock with 4 screws is also pos­si­ble to pro­tect the device from unau­tho­rized access.

Shaker filter controller interior view

Shaker fil­ter con­troller inte­rior view


  1. Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment with ana­log out­puts
  2. Relay out­puts (operation/fault, dp alarm)
  3. Dig­i­tal inputs
  4. Power sup­ply
  5. Motor pro­tec­tion for fan and vibra­tor
  6. Power con­tac­tor for fan
  7. Power con­tac­tor for vibra­tors












Shaker fil­ter con­troller with lan­guage-inde­pen­dent oper­a­tion for world­wide use

HESCH Shaker filter controller - Meaning of the symbols


The impor­tance of vibra­tor con­trol in shaker fil­ter sys­tems:

Shaker fil­ters are regen­er­a­tive fab­ric fil­ters with mechan­i­cal clean­ing. Clean­ing is car­ried out with the aid of a motor-dri­ven oscil­lat­ing device. This requires a suit­able Shaker fil­ter con­troller that enables auto­matic clean­ing when a max. The motor is switched on by the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure across the fil­ter (fil­ter resis­tance) or after a defined time and causes the fil­ter ele­ments to vibrate. The fil­ter cake detaches from the fil­ter fab­ric and falls into a sed­i­men­ta­tion tank.


This clean­ing process can only be car­ried out when the suc­tion fan is switched off (offline clean­ing). This non-active time of the suc­tion fan (set­tling time) must also be spec­i­fied by the Shaker fil­ter con­troller and depends on the dust fine­ness or sys­tem design. The cor­rect set­tling time pre­vents the process gas from recap­tur­ing the falling dust.



Technical data

HE 5733
Power Sup­ply3Ph, 400 VAC / 50 Hz -10/+20% (N con­duc­tor not used)
Cur­rent / Power Con­sump­tionmax. 8.5 kW (total, includ­ing motors)
max. 10 W (elec­tron­ics)
Fan Out­put400 V 3-phase, 6 … 10 A (max. 5.5 kW)
Motor Out­put (Shaker)400 V 3-phase, 0.9 … 1.5 A
Dis­plays7-seg­ment dis­play, 3 dig­its, 14 mm height,
white for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure, para­me­ter, and alarm val­ues
14 LEDs for sta­tus indi­ca­tors, 16 LEDs for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure dis­play
But­tonsValue set­ting: Para (ESC), UP, DOWN, Enter, Test but­ton
Dig­i­tal Inputs1× NPN for enable; 2× poten­tial-free con­tact for ext. start, ext. stop
Dig­i­tal Out­puts2 × changeover con­tact 250 V/5 A for operation/fault, dp alarm
Ana­log Out­putdp: 4... 20 mA; 0…10 V
Dif­fer­en­tial Pres­sure Mea­sure­ment (Option)Mea­sure­ment range 0 .... 50 mbar
Hous­ingMate­r­ial Poly­car­bon­ate
Dimen­sions271 × 170 × 120 mm (W × H × D)
Pro­tec­tion ClassIP65
Stor­age and Trans­port Tem­per­a­ture-40…+70 °C
Oper­at­ing Ambi­ent Tem­per­a­ture-20…+50 °C
-20…+40 °C in ATEX-Zone 22
Pres­sure Con­nec­tion2 × plug con­nec­tion for hose ⌀ 6mm (outer)
Elec­tri­cal Con­nec­tionPower sup­ply max. 2.5 mm² (push-in)
Motor con­nec­tions max. 2.5 mm² (screw ter­mi­nals)
Sig­nal inputs and out­puts max. 1 mm² (push-in)
Cable Entry3 × cable gland M25 (power sup­ply, fan, shaker motor)
1 × cable gland M20 (dp alarm, enable)
1 × cable gland M16 (cover switch)
Device Label­ingII3D Ex Tc IIIC T135°C Dc IP65EX Logo

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data sheet HE 5733 – Ger­man

Data sheet HE 5733 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions HE 5733 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions HE 5733 – Eng­lish

Wiring dia­gram HE 5733 – Ger­man

Wiring dia­gram HE 5733 – Eng­lish

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